We checked 17 economics journals on Friday, February 14, 2025 using the Crossref API. For the period February 07 to February 13, we retrieved 18 new paper(s) in 5 journal(s).

Economic Journal

Scared Straight or Scared to Death? Fatalism in Response to Disease Risks
Jason T Kerwin
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This paper shows that responses to disease risks can be “fatalistic”: higher risk beliefs can lead to more risk-taking rather than less. Intuitively, this can occur because high risk beliefs raise not only the chance of contracting the disease (which raises the marginal cost of risk-taking) but also the perceived chance that you are already infected (which lowers the marginal cost). I test for fatalism by randomly providing information about the true (low) average risk of HIV transmission in Malawi. Consistent with rational fatalism, the treatment causes sexual activity to rise slightly on average but decline sharply for people with high initial risk beliefs—especially those with high baseline levels of sexual activity.
Informal social interactions, academic achievement and behavior: Evidence from peers on the school bus
Matthew A Lenard, Mikko Silliman
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We study the effects of informal social interactions on academic achievement and behavior using idiosyncratic variation in peer groups stemming from changes in bus routes across elementary, middle, and high school. Our results suggest that student interactions outside the classroom—especially in adolescence—may be an important factor in the education production function for both academic and, particularly, behavioral skills. The effects of interactions on the bus are also related to neighborhood measures—suggesting that one way that interactions on the bus may matter is by amplifying interactions in the neighborhood.

European Economic Review

Exporters, multinationals and residual wage inequality: Evidence and theory
Sarah Schroeder
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Andreas Leibbrandt, John A. List
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More effort with less pay: On information avoidance, optimistic beliefs, and performance
Steffen Huck, Nora Szech, Lukas M. Wenner
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Global value chains and the Phillips curve: A challenge for monetary policy
Anna Florio, Daniele Siena, Riccardo Zago
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Greenflation: Empirical Evidence using Macro, Regional and Sectoral Data
Luca Bettarelli, Davide Furceri, Loredana Pisano, Pietro Pizzuto
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Growth and adaptation to climate change in the long run
Simon Dietz, Bruno Lanz
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Delegation of learning from multiple sources of information
Angelos Diamantopoulos, Arina Nikandrova
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Unit cost expectations: Firms’ perspectives on inflation
Brent H. Meyer, Xuguang Simon Sheng
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Journal of Econometrics

Central bank mandates and monetary policy stances: Through the lens of Federal Reserve speeches
Christoph Bertsch, Isaiah Hull, Robin L. Lumsdaine, Xin Zhang
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On time-varying panel data models with time-varying interactive fixed effects
Xia Wang, Sainan Jin, Yingxing Li, Junhui Qian, Liangjun Su
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Journal of Political Economy

Labor Market Returns to Personality: A Job Search Approach to Understanding Gender Gaps
Christopher J. Flinn, Petra E. Todd, Weilong Zhang
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Dynamic Gains from Trade Agreements with Intellectual Property Provisions
Ana Maria Santacreu
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Journal of Public Economics

Generic title: Not a research article
Editorial Board
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OK Boomer: Generational differences in teacher quality
Nhu Nguyen, Ben Ost, Javaeria A. Qureshi
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Testing above the limit: Drinking water contamination and test scores
Michelle Marcus
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Campaign contributions and legislative behavior: Evidence from U.S. congress
Alberto Parmigiani
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Vote early and vote often? Detecting electoral fraud from the timing of 19th century elections
Francesco Ferlenga, Brian Knight
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