To filter journals, append the URL parameters hide
and show
and bookmark the resulting URL. For example by appending ?hide=APSR
to the
, all articles from the American Political Science Review are hidden. To filter out content from multiple journals, use a comma separated list, i.e., ?hide=APSR,AJPS,JOP
. To only show content from specific journals, use the show
parameter, e.g., ?show=APSR,AJPS,JOP
. The parameter hide
and show
can also include bundle tags for journals, e.g., ?hide=@IR
will hide all international relations journals.
Available journal tags
AJPS: American Journal of Political Science
APSR: American Political Science Review
AnnuRev: Annual Review of Political Science
BJPOL: British Journal of Political Science
CPS: Comparative Political Studies
CMP: Comparative Politics
ElectStud: Electoral Studies
EJPR: European Journal of Political Research
IO: International Organization
IS: International Security
ISQ: International Studies Quarterly
JCR: Journal of Conflict Resolution
JEPS: Journal of Experimental Political Science
JPR: Journal of Peace Research
JTP: Journal of Theoretical Politics
LSQ: Legislative Studies Quarterly
PP: Party Politics
PA: Political Analysis
PolBehav: Political Behavior
PolGeo: Political Geography
PolPsyc: Political Psychology
PSRM: Political Science Research and Methods
PS: PS: Political Science & Politics
PubChoice: Public Choice
POQ: Public Opinion Quarterly
QJPS: Quarterly Journal of Political Science
RAP: Research & Politics
JOP: The Journal of Politics
WEP: West European Politics
WP: World Politics
APP: American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
POL: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
AER: American Economic Review
AnnuRev: Annual Review of Economics
ECTA: Econometrica
EJ: Economic Journal
EconPolicy: Economic Policy
EER: European Economic Review
JEconom: Journal of Econometrics
JEL: Journal of Economic Literature
JEP: Journal of Economic Perspectives
JPE: Journal of Political Economy
JPubEcon: Journal of Public Economics
JEEA: Journal of the European Economic Association
REStat: Review of Economics and Statistics
QJE: The Quarterly Journal of Economics
REStud: The Review of Economic Studies
ASR: American Sociological Review
AnnuRev: Annual Review of Sociology
ES: European Societies
ESR: European Sociological Review
SocForces: Social Forces
SociolMethodsRes: Sociological Methods & Research
AAPSS: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Nat: Nature
NatHumBehav: Nature Human Behaviour
PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Sci: Science
SciAdv: Science Advances
SER: Socio-Economic Review
CMS: Comparative Migration Studies
ERS: Ethnic and Racial Studies
IntMigr: International Migration
IMR: International Migration Review
JEMS: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
JRS: Journal of Refugee Studies
PSP: Population Space and Place
Available bunde tags
@MET: PA, JEconom, ECTA, SociolMethodsRes